DSPT - Lincolnshire Care Association

Data Security & Protection Toolkit

Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT) 

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is a really helpful annual self-assessment for health and care organisations. 

All CQC-registered care providers should complete the DSPT annually:-

New resource: business continuity plan audit tool

Local Authorities and care providers can now access a business continuity plan audit tool that aims to consider how thoroughly cyber security and data protection issues are addressed as part of a business continuity plan.

This will help both care providers and local authorities to understand how assured they should feel about the level of planning in place to minimise the impact of a data breach or cyber attack.

The tool was developed by Buckinghamshire Council who identified a need to check the effectiveness of business continuity plans in efforts to support care providers with minimising the impact of a data breach or cyber attack. Care providers are also expected to use theData Security & Protection Toolkit at least once a year to check and improve their data security arrangements.

Care providers should use the tool to check how thorough their business continuity plans are, and whether they should make any amendments.

There is also elearning training which is being offer by our colleagues at the Digital Care Hub, please see below:-

Data Security and Protection eLearning - Digital Care Hub

Skills for Care Delegated Healthcare - Lincolnshire Care Association and Lincolnshire ICB from Skills for Care on Vimeo.

See these common concerns around DSPT answered:

For FREE DSPT resources  >> click here <<