Workforce Development Directory
This workforce directory has been put together to assist you with your workforce development and budget planning for this financial year.
The team at CareinLincs Workforce Development are here to support you with every aspect of this critical area of your organisation.
We have put together this directory so that you know what we offer and how to access the workshops, training programmes and other resources.
In this latest edition, we have added a new section to support our Learning Disabilities providers, as well as new dates for the current workforce delivery plan including Developing Managers and Seniors. We have agreed to host a series of Makaton Level 1 training, plus a number of new resources to support Falls Awareness. Lastly, there are also dates for both Safeguarding Ambassadors and SONA, so check it out and get back in touch with us if you would like to express an interest and anything in the directory.
To read the latest workforce directory click here.