Digital Webinar Dates - Lincolnshire Care Association

Digital Webinar Dates

Adult Social Care Caldicott Guardian Network Webinars

Better Security Better Care will be hosting two webinars on Adult Social Care Calidcott Guardian Network:-

These are taking place on the following dates and times:-

Thursday 6th February 2025 12pm-1pm online, please see link below:-

Adult Social Care Caldicott Guardian Learning Network

This learning is supported by Linca and Better Security Better Care

This learning network aims to bring together a range of Caldicott Guardians to learn, share and explore the growing role of a Caldicott Guardian in adult social care. CGs from both local authorities and care provider organisations are invited to participate.

The purpose is to provide support to all those across the care sector who have the Caldicott Guardian role as part of their jobs, offer a networking, sharing and learning space and promote the role as best practice . We aspire to encourage and explore innovation in relation to the role and influence future ways of working.

Principles of CG Network

Collaborate and cooperate, to strengthen the Caldicott Guardian’s role in data governance across social care

Be open. Communicate openly about concerns, issues, or opportunities relating to Caldicott Guardians and information governance in social care.

Learn, develop, and seek to achieve full potential. Share information, experience, materials, and skills to learn from each other and develop effective collaboration.

Adopt a positive outlook. Behave in a positive, proactive, and timely manner.

Keep the group up to date on data governance developments to Caldicott Guardians in the sector, feeding back key information and potential of new approaches/practice

Who should attend?

The ASC Caldicott Guardian Learning Network has been designed for Caldicott Guardians working in adult social care – whether within a Local Authority or Care Provider Organisation. This can include staff in care organisations who have a Caldicott function in their job role.

Are you ready to move from Analogue to Digital?

The switch over from analogue to digital inevitable. The deadline for transitioning from analogue to digital telecommunications networks is December 2025. It is imperative that care homes are prepared well in advance due to infrastructure degradation, reduced engineers and geographical areas migrating earlier than others. These sessions have been designed for adult social care providers in England and are aimed at people who make decisions about the use of technology in care services.

 Better Security Better are launching a series of  webinars where they will dive deep into each section of the DSPT. 

If you would like to attend, please click on the links below to book your places on the webinars:-

If you would like to attend to discuss your experiences and learn more about BYOD security,

please contact: [email protected]

Better Security Better Care are launching a series of webinars on completing the DSPT for 24/25,

please see below dates and times:-

DSPT In-Depth - Should you complete the non mandatory questions? 

This is taking place on Wednesday 29th January 2025, 2pm-3pm on Zoom. 

Please click on the link above to book your places on the webinar:-

Review and Republish Data Security and Protection Toolkit

This is taking place on Tuesday 18th February 2025, 3pm-4pm on Zoom. 

Please click on the link above to book your places on the webinar:-

If you have any queries or questions regarding the above please contact us on the following email address:-

[email protected]

For additional information and support regarding DSPT please visit our dedicated support page - here 







To book on to one of these sessions please email direct – [email protected]

with your name, position, contact telephone number and suitable email address to receive a Microsoft Teams invite.

Further information, and User Guides, can be found on our dedicated Whzan page - here