New Immigration Rules Unreasonable, Says LinCA Chair
The Chair of the Lincolnshire Care Association says the Government’s new policy on migrant workers coming from overseas is unfair.
Yesterday the Home Secretary James Cleverley MP announced a number of measures to reduce legal immigration, including preventing incoming workers from bringing their families with them.
Melanie Weatherley MBE said: “We welcome the clear recognition by the Government of the importance of international recruits within the care workforce, but this new measure seems unreasonable.
“We're already asking these people to give up their lives on the other side of the world to come and help us to care for older people and people with learning disabilities.
“To ask them to do that but not allow them to bring their children or the rest of their family with them seems unreasonable, regardless of the understandable impact on our infrastructure.
“Essentially we’re are asking these people to leave their family behind to come and support our most vulnerable adults – to choose between caring for their family, or caring for ours. No-one should have to make that decision.”